Game Man, don't eat me!

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Man, don't eat me! is a new variant of the classic version Man, don't be angry! which brings more fun to the game with hungry figures instead of classic pincers. Man, don't eat me! is more fun, exciting, more action than the legendary Man, don't be angry! In the game you will experience a wild chase in which no one can be sure that they will not be eaten. A properly grazed piece can help you win - as long as it does not end up as food for your opponent. How the game is played ... Man, don't eat me! is more fun, exciting, more action-packed than the legendary Man, don't be angry !. The basic rules are the same - players walk their pieces according to the plan according to the roll of the dice, place them on the six and try to transport them safely to the house. In a normal Man, don't be angry! you will be fired when you meet another piece, but not here. The figure opens its hungry mouth and simply swallows the opponent, who stood on the spot. On the game board, it looks like you place your piece on the one that was eaten away. The whole giant always has the color of the highest member and belongs to the player whose figure is the highest. But one pyramid must never consist of more than four figures. If you should eat or be eaten with a piece that would exceed this limit, the traditional throwing awaits you. At that moment, all the pieces that made up the giant will return to their owners according to color. The moment the giant enters the house, the owners of the other figures will not get them back. They simply really lost them. That's why there are more pieces in the game than places in the house. It is probable that you will lose some of your pieces during the game. Package dimensions 28 x 20 x 7 cm. Suitable for children from 3 years.
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Delivery: 13.05.2024 (more info)
In stock (5 or more)
1 / 1 / 10
Minimum qty
1 pcs
Packaging size
280×200×70 mm
Recommended age
3 years
2 years

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