After opening the game cover to the vertical position, players divide the ships so that they both have the same number of ships of the same type. The number of holes in each ship indicates the number of hits required to sink the ship. Players place their ships on the vertical surface of the game. They take turns shooting. They shoot at opponent's ships using a combination of letters and numbers, such as B8, D2 and the like. If the shooting is successful, the player shoots again. Otherwise, the opponent shoots. The player marks his own shooting at the opponent's ships on the horizontal field of the game. If it hits an opponent's ship, it marks the place with a yellow peg, if not with a white peg. In the vertical area, he also marks his opponent's successful shots directly into the holes of his own ships. If all the ship's holes are marked as hit, the ship is sunk and removed from play. The game is won by the one who sinks all the opponent's ships first.