Mojo Animal Planet Chimpanzee and Cub

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Mojo Animal Planet Chimpanzee and Cub
Chimpanzees are our closest living relatives, sharing more than 98 percent of our genetic code. Humans and chimpanzees are also said to share a common ancestor that lived between 4 and 8 million years ago. Although they usually walk on all fours, chimpanzees can also stand and walk upright. By swinging in the branches, they can also move quite well in the trees, where they mostly eat. Chimpanzees usually also sleep in trees, in nests they build out of leaves. This realistic animal figure can help children learn about the real characteristics and character of its model. The faithfulness and quality of the processing will easily impress collectors as well. The figure is made of durable and harmless plastic, packed and delivered in a transparent plastic bag. Main features: faithful details and coloring durable design licensed by respected documentarians designed in collaboration with the collecting community

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1 / 1 / 1
Minimum qty
1 pcs
Packaging size
90×82×45 mm
Recommended age
3 years
2 years